Thursday, May 3, 2012

Read the book?

Tamra surveyed students at the end of a freshman course.

Quiz question 1: What is the most important thing you learned this semester?
Answer 1:  If you read the book, the quizzes are a lot easier.

Quiz question 2: What would you change about this semester if you could? 
Answer 2:  I would read the book more.

Monday, February 20, 2012

i forgot

No introduction necessary. The message just is what it is. Grammar errors were not corrected.

Im so sorry i forgot to turn in my paper, I did do on time can you please find it in your heart to give me some credit i would be truly grateful

Monday, February 13, 2012


"Dear professor, I'm sorry I submitted more than one assignment. I didn't understand until after I read the instructions."

from Dana, a marketing professor teaching upper-level courses

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Critical thinking skills

Michael teaches an upper-level economics course. A student emailed him that she was going to have hand surgery in the next couple of weeks and wondered what she could do to ensure she didn't fall behind.

He went into great detail about reading ahead, learning to use a computer mouse with the opposite hand, working now on the case study due in a couple of weeks, etc.

Really? Shouldn't a college-level student be able to use her vast critical thinking skills to figure this one out on her own?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thanks for having me

Jeri, a business professor, received high praise from one of her students in an upper-level courses: "This class was fun. And thanks for having me n the class, ur a good teacher." She noted to herself:  "I failed along the line somewhere."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bedbound break-in

Maryann teaches a college-level online course and received this just before the term ended. None of the grammar was corrected. Must be very frightening to be bed-bound during a home invasion but at least only the computer was taken!

"Goodmorning Dr., i want to notify you as to what is goin on wit me. Someone broke into my home, stole my computer, printer, folder, and study material. I have not been to work. I am on bed rest, however, i attempt to enter class this morning and could not get in."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

But I turned in a paper

Susan teaches a Management Information Systems class - an upper-level business course that introduces students on computing and network systems used in business. She assigned a case study and received one paper that included the student's name and information in the upper left corner and the assignment name "Case Study" neatly centered at the top.

But that's all. The student's response: "I turned in a paper."