Monday, December 20, 2010

Optional quizzes

This one is from Bill, a friend and colleague who teaches nursing students. After the final exam on the last day of a traditional 16-week course, a student sincerely asked him,

"Were the quizzes [throughout the course] optional?"

Invisible ink

This is from Jordan, a college graduate who keeps in touch with me and loved the idea of this blog.

"I'm sorry but all I have to give you are 50 blank pieces of paper... My 2-year old secretly swapped the ink in my printer with invisible ink. Enjoy grading this, I worked hard on it. :)

House fire

My friend and colleague Maryann donated this one.

"Yesterday, a student's house caught on fire, but luckily, the only thing damaged was the computer with her final paper on it."

Trojan horse

This was donated by one of my students who likes the idea of this blog. Thanks, Matt! I'm glad you didn't use this one on me.

"A Trojan Horse ate my internet assignment! I swear!"

No rush - course ends tomorrow

An adult student posted this six days late and hours before an online course ended.

"I am truly sorry for posting my final project late. I had to celebrate eight days of Hanukkah with my family. Please grade when you have a chance."

Inspiration for this blog

The blog was inspired by the creative, funny, outlandish, absurd, and amusing comments from students regarding everything from late assignments to missing final exams. Many professors want to respond with everything from "you don't say?!" to shocked silence. 

A few of these comments were spoken to me but most were told to my colleagues. All contributions are welcome but please do not include profanity. All posts become the property of this blog.